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Energy and Me (CD)

Helps Children Calm Down, Concentrate, and Redirect Hyperactivity

Have you or someone you know ever needed something to help a young child settle down? Well, here it is! ENERGY AND ME (Relaxation) will provide the skills a child needs to simplify their thoughts, while redirecting their hyperactivity.

Dr. Daleo softly narrates, teaching children with visualization and breathing techniques, how to stop reacting to all the clutter in their lives. This prolific information is the result of Dr. Daleo's extensive experience with stress management in children and adults. It is a useful tool for harnessing and redirecting a child's boundless energy in a positive, healthy way.

Ages: 5-12 (Grades K-6)
Compact Disk; 17 minutes each track

Roxanne Daleo, Ph.D. is a health educator trained in relaxation and stress reduction at the Harvard Medical School Div. of Behavioral Medicine.

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