Goes with
Underlying Characteristics Checklist-Early Intervention (UCC-EI)
Each package contains 20 blank checklists. Developed as a component of the Ziggurat Model, the Underlying Characteristics Checklist (UCC) is an informal, non-standardized assessment tool designed to identify characteristics across a number of domains associated with ASD. It is not designed or intended for diagnosis of ASD. The UCC is especially helpful for those working with infants through preschool aged individuals as the information gathered from the UCC provides a starting point for developing an IEP. The UCC and the Ziggurat Model in tandem lead to a program that is based on individual needs and uses the best practices in the field.
Ages: 3 months through 72 months (6 years)
By Ruth Aspy, Ph.D., Barry Grossman, Ph.D. and Kathleen Ann Quill, Ed.D.
Ages: 3 months through 72 months (6 years)
By Ruth Aspy, Ph.D., Barry Grossman, Ph.D. and Kathleen Ann Quill, Ed.D.