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I Feel... Interactive Poster

I FEEL... Help children identify and talk about feelings with this child-friendly, interactive counseling tool equipped with a moving dial and a movable Velcro numbered tabs with a 0-10 Velcro scale.

For example, children can use the dial to point to "angry" and then put the corresponding numbered tab anywhere on the scale, 0 being the least angry and 10 being the most angry. I FEEL... offers a tangible way for kids to see that they can experience several feelings at the same time, each with a different emotional intensity level.

This comfortable, hands-on medium for self expression puts children at ease and helps the counselor and child generate dialogue in individual and small group counseling sessions. It also lends itself well to large group classroom activities. I FEEL... is a basic tool for every counselor!

24"W x 36"L plastic laminated poster, user's guide andhanging hardware include.

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