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CHARACTER Strength (Play 2 Learn Dominoes)

In This Game, Players Have Fun Playing Dominoes While Building Character Strength

This game is based on the concepts of the dynamic field of positive psychology. It is designed to build strong character in players. The character strengths emphasized in this game are:
  • Kindness
  • Self-Control
  • Forgiveness
  • Modesty
  • Leadership
  • Social Intelligence
The game is appropriate for students who are lacking in one or more of the character strengths, as well as students who are already strong in these areas. In fact, playing in groups of mixed levels enhances the learning of those with poor character strengths to learn from and model the behavior of those who are more capable.

There are four decks of cards. Three of the decks contain scenarios that occur at school, at home, and with friends. The fourth deck helps clarify the six character strengths.Before playing a domino, a player picks a card from one of the four decks and describes how they would respond to various scenarios in ways that would demonstrate the character strengths emphasized in the game.

Note: The character strengths in this game do not overlap with the character traits emphasized in the Play-2-Learn Dominoes: Building Character game.

Playing time: Flexible from 30 minutes-45 minutes
Ages: 6-12 (Grades 1-6)
2-5 Players

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