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Catch Good Character: Go-Fish Card Game

Provides the Tools Needed to Make the Right Choices

Catch Good CHARACTER covers a range of character dimensions, including honesty, caring, responsibility, fairness, and generosity, among others. The questions are designed to encourage players to give examples from their own experience about behavior that demonstrates good character and to help players understand the meaning of common character traits.

The game plays like classic Go Fish. There are two decks of 50 cards - one for grades K-2 and the other for grades 3-5. It differs from classic Go Fish in that players must answer a question before they can accept a requested card. All questions are open-ended.

Learning Objectives

Players will understand:

1. the concept of character and several important character traits
2. that character is demonstrated by behavior and players will be able to give examples of relevant behavior
3. that good character traits help them handle life issues and challenges effectively
4. why parents, school officials, and other adults can be expected to hold students responsible for dishonesty and other examples of bad character

A rules sheet and facilitator guidelines are included.

Ages: 5-11 (Grades K thru 5)
Game takes about 20 minutes
2-5 players

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