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Cast Away Conflict: Go-Fish Card Game

Introduces Strategies for Resolving Conflict

Cast Away CONFLICT provides players with the skills needed to manage conflict in an appropriate and socially acceptable way. Scenario cards present brief but detailed conflict situations that players are asked to resolve calmly and effectively. By practicing strategies such as apologizing, compromising, and listening, players learn to adopt behaviors that can enhance their relationships.

There are two decks of 50 cards - one for grades K-2 and the other for grades 3-5. The game plays like classic Go Fish but differs from classic Go Fish in that players must answer a question before they can accept a requested card. All questions are open-ended.

Learning Objectives

Players will understand:

1. the skills needed to resolve conflict in an assertive and nonviolent way
2. the skills needed to avoid conflict
3. that overcoming conflict calmly and thoughtfully can lead to healthier and happier relationships
4. when intervention by an adult is needed

A rules sheet and facilitator guidelines are included.

Ages: 5-11 (Grades K thru 5)
Each game takes about 20 minutes
2-5 players

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