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The Bully REACTION Ball puts children in certain situations and helps them discuss the best plan of action when feeling threatened or vulnerable.

50 questions will open up dialogue for children in grades 2-6. The Instructor's Guide provides general ways of dealing with bullies and other useful information on how superiors need to deal with these situations.

Toss the ball back and forth between at least two children and wherever the left thumb lands, is the problem or question to answer. The combinations of games and questions are endless and the learning never stops. As each child masters the questions on one ball, there is always another available to stretch the intellect and provide more practice.

  • 1 Game Ball
  • Instructor's Guide
  • Repair Patch
Product Details:
  • Recommended Ages: 7-12 (Grades 2-6)
  • Inflatable Ball Size: 24" (Ball Comes Deflated)
  • Material: Vinyl (No Latex!)

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