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Building Everyday Leadership Set

**Includes Both a Curriculum Guide & Guidebook

Promoting Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success

This set includes both the Curriculum Guide "Building Everyday Leadership in All Teens" and the required Guidebook "Everyday Leadership for Teens".

Every teen can be a leader. That's because leadership is not just about taking the lead in big ways, but in everyday small things, too. The 21 sessions (45 minutes each with FLEXIBLE formats) in the CURRICULUM GUIDE "Building Everyday Leadership in ALL Teens" helps teens explore what it means to be a leader, how to work with others, ethical decision-making, risk-taking, team-building, communication, creative thinking, and more.

Teens learn what's necessary to do something, even if that something is just speaking up. Choose the sessions that seem best for your group or class, or explore leadership through an entire school year.

The INCLUDED GUIDEBOOK, "Everyday Leadership For Teens" includes written and experiential activities which help teens discover their own leadership potential and develop skills which guide them to act responsibly and make a difference in the world around them. Written activities encourage reflection; "do something" activities call for commitment and action. Both enable teens to reach new levels of leadership. Teens will gain a greater understanding of who they are, what matters to them, how that translates into leadership, and how leadership relates to everyday life.


"Building Everyday Leadership in ALL Teens" Curriculum Guide
240 pages; softcover; lay-flat binding; 8.5" x 11"

"Everyday Leadership For Teens" Guidebook
128 pages; spiral bound; 7" x 9"

By Mariam G. MacGregor, M.S.

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